economic series

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CRX CarePump Economic series

Select the device you are interested in to go to the page with a detailed description of the device and its capabilities. The products in this series differ in terms of how many chambers in the cuff they support and the number of ready-made treatment programs.

technical specifications

  • Devices that support 4- or 6-chamber cuffs. It is possible to perform the treatment on two limbs simultaneously.
  • A large selection of cuffs: for the lower limbs, for the upper limbs, hip belt, cuff in the form of shorts (for the hips, buttocks and thighs).
  • From 4 to 6 medical pre-programs, which were developed together with the Polish Lymphological Society.
  • Possibility of changing treatment parameters during operation, e.g. reducing pressure if it turns out to be too high.
  • Medical organization certificate.
  • Pressure from 20 to 220 mmHg.
  • The actual measurement of pressure on the body surface.
  • The ability to turn off individual chambers in the cuffs.
  • A large display (from 5 inches), color touchscreen with a knob that makes it easy to set the treatment parameters.
  • Graphical information about the progress of pre-programs.
  • Patient safety button option.